Screwball Milk Punch

I grew up in Mobile, Alabama— the Port City, the birthplace of Mardi Gras, and most importantly, home to the best Christmas cocktail of all: the bourbon milk punch. Technically, I think that milk punch originated at Brennan’s in New Orleans, but it always reminds me of Mobile. No party during the holiday season is complete without it.

I live in Oxford, Mississippi now, but I will always call Mobile home. I created this drink this past Christmas. I had finished law school exams and was so happy to not have to think about schoolwork, and “Bessie Crocker” was in full throttle mode. Our good friend Andy works at a liquor store and brought us a bottle of Screwball— a peanut butter flavored whiskey. I thought it would put the perfect funky twist on the original milk punch!


Screwball Milk Punch

2 oz shot of Screwball whiskey

1/2 oz dark rum

2 oz milk (I usually use almond milk because it’s what I keep in the house)

Splash of vanilla extract

1/2 oz Hazelnut coffee syrup (I use the zero calorie Jordan’s Skinny Syrups— you can find them at Marshalls/Home Goods)

Dash of grated nutmeg

  1. In a mixing glass, combine all ingredients (except the nutmeg) and top with ice. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds until very cold.

  2. Strain into a highball glass and top with grated nutmeg.