Blue Cheese Pasta

People ask me all the time where I find my inspiration for recipes. Occasionally, I’ll see an ingredient (cut of meat, vegetable, etc.) and think “Ok, I’m going to make something great with that.” But most of the time recipes are really a form of putting my own twist on something that I saw on Pinterest or ate at a restaurant. My husband, William, went on a golf trip with his buddies over the summer and ate a dish similar to this at a restaurant while on the trip. He immediately texted me a picture of the menu and said “Can you make this again at home? It was the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” I immediately got to work, and now this recipe is a staple for us. I love that you can make it as complex/fancy as you want, or as simple as you want. Lots of times we eat this during the week without any meat, but if I’m in the mood for steak or we’re wanting to have something special, I’ll add thin slices of steak on top. This truly is one of my favorite dishes, and one that I get compliments on all the time.


Blue Cheese Pasta

-       1, 8 oz steak (I use filet mignon, and often times I make this pasta without meat for an easy meal—totally up to your preference and what you have on hand!)

-       2 cups dry pasta noodles (My favorite is rigatoni)

-       3 tablespoons butter

-       1 shallot, finely chopped (Can sub red onion)

-       3 cloves garlic, minced

-       ¼ cup white wine (or white wine vinegar)

-       ¾ cup milk

-       ¾ cup heavy cream

-       6 oz container of blue cheese crumbles

-       Salt/pepper

-       Balsamic glaze and fresh chives for topping (I use bottled balsamic glaze from the store, but feel free to make your own!)


1.     If using steak, let bring to room temperate 30 minutes before cooking. Rub down with kosher salt and black pepper. Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in a cast iron skillet on medium high heat and preheat the oven to 375 degrees. For medium rare, sear the steak on each side for about 3 minutes, spooning over the top with butter as you go. Once the steak has a good crust, put the skillet in the oven for about 7-10 minutes. Let the steak rest for 10 minute before slicing.

2.     Boil pasta according to package directions.

3.     In a heavy bottom pot, melt the butter over medium heat. Add in the shallots and garlic, cooking for 3-5 minutes until fragrant. Add in the white wine and let simmer for another 3 minutes. Add in the milk, heavy cream, and blue cheese and reduce to medium low heat. Stir with a whisk until thickened and the cheese is melted, about 5-7 minutes.

4.     Add in the pasta, and stir until all the noodles are coated.

5.     To serve, spoon a serving of pasta into a bowl. Top with sliced steak. Add sliced chives, Maldon salt, and a generous drizzle of balsamic glaze. I usually serve this with a bagged salad kit for an easy weeknight dinner—if you’re looking for fancier, it also pairs very well with my Chopped Salad and a slice of toasted bread. Enjoy!



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