Vodka Pasta


2 cups pasta (I use rigatoni)

3 tablespoons butter

3 cloves of garlic, minced

1 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1/2 cup vodka

1, 28 oz. can of crushed tomatoes

1/3 cup heavy cream

  1. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and set aside.

  2. Melt butter in a heavy bottom pot (I use my dutch oven) over medium heat. Add in garlic and red pepper flakes. Let cook until garlic is fragrant, about 2-3 minutes.

  3. Add in vodka and simmer on low for 5 minutes.

  4. Add the tomatoes bring to medium-high heat for 5 minutes, then reduce back to low for about 10 minutes.

  5. Note— this next step is optional, but you want to do it if you prefer a smooth sauce. Using an immersion blender OR by transferring the tomato sauce to a blender, blend until the sauce is smooth.

  6. At this point, since I am only cooking for two, typically, I will return half the tomato mixture to my dutch oven and put half in a Tupperware and freeze. Next time I want to make pasta for dinner, I just thaw the sauce and add 1/3 cup heavy cream. If you prefer to make the whole thing, use 2/3 cup heavy cream when you return the tomato mixture back to the dutch oven.

  7. Add the cream (1/3 cup for half, 2/3 for all of the tomato sauce) and simmer until warm throughout. Add in the pasta and simmer for a few minutes more.

  8. Serve topped with parmesan cheese and a pinch of Maldon salt.


Pesto Cream Pasta


Asian Meatballs