Mini Raspberry Pound Cake Trifles

Something that irrationally annoys me is when a recipe is described as “easy,” and it has 50 obscure ingredients or takes hours upon hours to make. This is not one of those recipes. For people that don’t like Valentine’s Day, I think it’s because it can be categorized with New Year’s Eve in that there is a lot of pressure to have an awesome night, and usually it under-delivers. In an effort to change that for people, I came up with this simple, yet delicious recipe. Seriously, this one really is easy. 5 ingredients and 15 minutes and these are ready to go.

I use the frozen Sara Lee pound cake to make this so easy— you can find it in the frozen dessert section of almost any grocery store (next to the Cool Whip). There’s also a chocolate chip flavor if you’re going for something more chocolatey…which I usually am. Also, I make my own whipped cream here because it really is so easy and adds the perfect little touch, but you can use Cool Whip or any other kind of store bought whipped cream if you so choose.

Mini Raspberry Pound Cake Trifles

Serves 2 (to serve more, just cut more slices of pound cake— you should have plenty of whipped cream)

For the whipped cream:

1 cup heavy cream

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Optional: splash of vanilla extract or light rum

For the trifles:

Sara Lee pound cake, thawed

Whipped cream

Mini chocolate chips

Raspberries, washed

  1. For the whipped cream: put the heavy cream and sugar (and vanilla/rum if you’re using) in the bowl of an electric mixer. Whip on high speed until firm peaks form, about 3-5 minutes.

  2. Gather the dishes that you want to use for the trifles. I used crystal goblets that I found at Goodwill. Bonus points if you can find a transparent vessel, because the layers of the trifle will show through and look beautiful.

  3. Slice the pound cake into 1-inch thick slices (probably only need 3-4 slices), then cut into cubes. Place a handful of these at the bottom of your trifle dishes as the first layer.

  4. Spoon a layer of whipped cream. Top with chocolate chips and raspberries.

  5. Begin the next layer of pound cake, then whipped cream, then chocolate chips and raspberries.

  6. When your dishes are full, level off with a butter knife and then top with a few fresh raspberries and chocolate chip. Serve immediately or let sit in the fridge for a few hours or overnight for the flavors to meld together.

  7. Note: If you cover these with plastic wrap, these will be good in the fridge for several days.